Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Brant Lake with Martin II

Martin came and visited me up at Brant Lake again, and if it's even possible, I think I probably enjoyed this time more than last time. We spent a lot of time hanging out at my uncle's nice house on Schroon Lake. We played a lot of games including BANANAGRAMS, my new obsession:

We also ate a TON of food. I swear I thought I would never ever ever ever be hungry again after a week of just gorging myself on ice cream and cookies but turns out that a week later I forgot all about the diet I swore I would go on and I'm again eating pints of ice cream a day..

Like I said, we also made cookies and above is the Tollhouse cookie recipe without baking soda. We didn't realize we were missing the baking soda until we started taking all the ingredients out and then we were like, the hell with it, and just made very flat but very delicious cookies. They were especially good with all that ice cream :D

Finally, on Wednesday Christa came up and we got to work painting the trailer that my dad uses to haul stuff around. Soon it's gonna be put to use dragging all my tons of crap to college. The theme was "Sea creatures in space." Whatever that means, haha.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Rock Climbing at AIR

I finally fulfilled a childhood dream and went rock climbing at Albany Indoor Rock Gym (AIR). I got Allie to come along with me and we had a blast climbing walls and getting stuck in their cave system.

First one of the staff members, a guy who said his name was "Billy Joel," taught us how to belay each other. Although sort of a crotch-pincher, it wasn't too hard and we got the hang of it quickly. We climbed for a bit and then hit up the indoor caving system:

To be honest the caves kind of creeped me out a bit. At first it was the fact that I may get stuck. I solved that by sticking Allie in the front so that if she got stuck in a hole then I wouldn't go that way. Probably not a good friendship move.

Then I got worried about all the crap in the caves. Like I said, those things are tight and probably have never ever been cleaned. I don't even know how they were able to paint them all black. As we were crawling though I kept stepping in piles of dust? paint? human remains? Who knows what..

Finally, as we went farther and father into the massive indoor cave system I began to think, "what if there was a murderer hiding somewhere in here with an axe and we can't see him because it's pitch black and we'll come across him and he'll chop our heads off or something."

Clearly, somebody would probably realize if one of the patrons was dragging an axe into the cave system and then how the heck would somebody swing an axe in such a tight space? These were things I didn't think about at the time and if I had it probably wouldn't have made for such an exciting caving experience.

I am so game to go back to AIR again. Can't wait to check out the climbing wall at school >:D

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Smith College Running

Every day I'm more and more excited to get back to Smith and see those people I haven't seen for a year and half since I've been abroad.

The only thing I'm worried about the upcoming cross country season. I've been training since I got home in June from Japan but it doesn't feel like enough. In previous summers I was up to running an hour and ten every day, easily, at a fairly quick pace. Right now I'm struggling through forty-five minutes.

I guess the only thing to do is keep training.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Avatar: Legend of Korra

I am so excited for this new mini-series. I am a big fan of Avatar and now they're coming out with a tougher, older female version! The trailer was released recently at Comicon and is AWESOME.

The new world will be based off a 1920's Hong Kong/ US/ some other Asian country (?). Neat!

Also, last week Entertainment Weekly featured the men of the "Hunger Games". I'm not a huge fan of the series but I am a fan of hotties. Katnis also looks super-tough!

Sunday, August 7, 2011


Recently I've begun to rediscover photography and photoshop. I started playing around with my tablet tonight and made some doodles :

hahaha. my Adventure Time fan art ^

I'm a fan of dancing ^

and running :)

Friday, August 5, 2011

Jesus Running Camp

This past week I worked as a counselor at Camp Pinnacle in New York. I've been going to this camp since elementary school and just started counseling at the running camp a couple years ago.

The cross country camp is only one week long and is run during the first week of August. I help head a cabin of girls and we go on runs, play games, hang out in the pool and generally have lots of fun :)

myspace gurlzz lololol