Saturday, November 24, 2012

Troy Turkey Trot

My family and I ran the Troy Turkey Trot again this year on Thanksgiving! Last year I had to walk it because of my pelvic stress fracture, but this year I was able to run. Hooray healing progress! 

Monday, November 12, 2012

Avon, CT

I recently went to go visit my cousin, Kelly, who bought a house in Avon, CT last year. We went on a short hike, saw a comedy club show, and addressed save the dates for her upcoming wedding :)

Sunday, October 28, 2012


HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Although not yet technically Halloween, my housemates and I put on a Halloween party for our friends. We hosted it on the first floor and in the basement of our old house. It actually turned out to be pretty successful, and we set up a food table, dancing, games, and dancing in the basement. Everyone got dressed up and looked fabulous. I went as a sailor. Others went as a banana, zombie, and whoopie cushion (not pictured, hehe).

Math Post Bacs

MAT Program Girls

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Mountain Day 2012

Happy Mountain Day! A Smith College tradition that even grad students get to celebrate. The president rung the bells early this morning and we all got the day off of classes. 

I didn't wake up to the bells, but found out about the day off when checking my email. I'm so happy! They even put the heat on in the house, although it got a little too warm later in the day. 

My friend Erika and I went to the local apple orchard to go apple picking. We met a cute dog, got a bunch of apples, and bought some pecan pie. Unfortunately it was still too early in the season for apple cider, but the day was appropriately beautiful, so nothing could ruin it.

The afternoon was spent making three apple pies, relaxing, and listening to music. Unfortunately I had a night class later that I had to attend, but I love fall and surprise days off! I'll miss you Smith College....

Sunday, July 8, 2012

New Blog!

I'm collaborating on a new blog with my friends Martin and Debbie.

It's a cooking blog: !!

Some background: I graduated recently and now I'm back at Smith College in the graduate program, studying education. My friends Martin and Debbie are moving to Kyushu and Hokkaido, Japan.

The cooking blog is a way for us to stay connected, and laugh at each other as we figure out life on our own and the impossibilities associated with it (cooking).

Thursday, July 5, 2012

4th of July

I've finally started my Masters of Arts in Teaching (MAT) program here at Smith College. It's nice to be back, but I can't say that it's great to have to take classes/ work in the middle of the summer. Especially when it's the hottest summer I've seen in my lifetime. And I'm living in a school dorm. On the top floor. Without AC.

Martin came to visit me for the last time before he leaves for Japan in late July. We spent the fourth together and then went to see fireworks with Mike, who is staying in Amherst until he leaves for Japan next week:

Our Okinawa vacation group....Reunited! <3 <3

My first time seeing a smiley face firework :0

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Plum Island

Plum Island was so nice. I spent a couple of nights there with my mom's side of the family. We stayed in this electric flamboyantly colored house:

There was a terrible view of a trailer and old boat, but at least we could see the ocean. What's better, is that the beach was within 5 minutes walking distance.

Monday, June 4, 2012


My friend Dianna (from school) recently moved to New York City following graduation, and she invited me down to her house for the weekend. We celebrated her 22nd birthday!

It was my first time going to NYC on my own. Even though I live in Albany, I've only been to New York with my mom, or with my high school cross country/ track teams whenever we had meets. 

This time I got to experience the city with friends, it it was definitely more fun. We did karaoke, ate good food, got temporarily lost in central park, etc:

One of the things Dianna really wanted to do for her birthday was go to the "Little Shop of Crafts." I love crafting so was looking forward to going. Unfortunately, I couldn't paint any ceramic pieces, but I ended up painting a birdhouse for a Father's Day gift.

The shop itself was OK. It was cool inside and you could BYOB. We brought some wine. It felt a little weird drinking with all the kids around, but they kind of just ignored us and we minded our own business. The pieces the shop had for sale were expensive, but we were able to get a reduced price with a deal from Groupon.

That night, we went out for dinner and came back for dessert clafouti that Dianna's sister made for her birthday. It was so heavenly. I'll have to try making this myself!