Thursday, February 23, 2012

Smith College Rally Day 2012

Today is Rally Day, when Smith students get the day off from classes to relax and celebrate accomplished alums. As seniors, we put on our graduation robes and silly hats, then gathered at the CC to receive pennants and rally (?). Later, we walked together to JMG to hear alums speak and learn who our commencement speaker will be.

This year, our commencement speaker will be JANE LYNCH, from the hit TV series Glee. In honor of this, seniors have decided to replace graduation robes with red track suits.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Yesterday I went to Boston with some friends to interview for the JET program. All our interviews went well, but the best part of the trip was definitely the food. We got to eat dim sum and korean bbq. Yay! The Korean bbq place was the best because they gave us a lot of side dishes and services. Here's a shout out to Korean Garden in Boston!