Friday, January 4, 2013


Merry Christmas! This year was unforgettable. So much as happened in 2012: I traveled solo to Japan, interviewed for my first real job, graduated from college, said goodbye to all of my amazing, incredible friends, and started grad school. Next semester I will begin student teaching for my MAT program, and in my I will graduate with my Masters in teaching. 

I didn't spend much time at home this Christmas. Inky came to visit from AZ after I was through with finals. She stayed around through Christmas and New Years. I spent Christmas at home and then I celebrated New Years with Inky and Karen in Northampton. We watched the ball rise (not drop) above the Northampton Hotel. Then they played Gangnam Style over the loud speakers and we all broke out into dance. Some hot guys complimented Inky on her outrageous dancing and asked to take a picture with her >:)

NY's state bird - The bluebird, in our backyard 

Fam time