Finally in Pittsburgh. I've been sorta apprehensive about this ESA conference for the whole summer but I'm here it it's gonna be sweet.
My time at Auburn finished up pretty chill. My last day didn't even feel like my last..I just went out and sampled with Alan, helped him filter, and ran his SRP. That night Yuka and Cynthia threw me and Patricia a party. For real, though, it was a party for me leaving, Samir's birthday, and Cynthia passing her nursing class (!!).
Lots of people came -- There was a total of 12 of us. Cynthia made curry and Ayako made Japanese-style chicken. We had "make your own sushi rolls," and everything was so good. Ayako even bought a cake with candles for Samir's birthday. Everything was perfectttt.

^Our spread. It was mecha oishii.

At the end of the night, Ayako gave us cards that basically everybody I'd met in Auburn outside the lab had signed. They're amazing.
Also, earlier in the week, I finally took the "Pounder Challenge." This was the challenge that Yuka and Ayako accomplished the other week, where you have to eat a full pound burger + everything else. Nori and I both did the challenge this time and the burger was super delicious but also huge.. like, as big as my face, or a baby's head.

In the end they took my picture with the giant stuffed burger and hung it on the wall with the other "hall of famers." There are about 200 of us total. A proud moment.