Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Track Sucks

So basically the last entry was a really boring list of things that I did when in Charleston. THIS ONE WILL BE MORE BORING. I PROMISE. Because now I'm just at school and I'm not doing super crazying things like using POWER TOOLS or jumping out of planes whatnot.

Last week Christa and Big-T came by and hung out for a few days. I thought it'd be weird having a guy visit me at Smith College because the 'desperate smith whore' stare makes some uncomfortable but it ended up being totally fine. We did a lot of boring things like going to the mall, eating, and watching scary movies and suspense thrillers such as 'scooby-doo on zombie island' and 'la moustache,' respectively.

They both left Thursday right after Kathleen came and stayed for a few nights with Liza. Kathleen used to go to Smith but doesn't any more and she ran cross country with me. Now she parties and goes to a school that is too dumb for her and I miss her tons <3

Track started and I had my first hard workout. Blah. I'm sick of it. Also, my friends showed me this video. It's supposed to become a cartoon in a few months! I can't wait >:D

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