Wednesday, May 26, 2010


I went to California for the last 2 weeks and I just got home on Saturday. School's over. I had 2 finals so it was really chill. Hannah and I stayed at her dad's place near LA. We went to the beach, the mall, Hollywood, the Anatolia Festival, Santa Monica Pier and Knott's Berry Farm amusement park.

Now I'm back home and I got to see my grandma, go swimming with Lindsey and today I'm leaving for Brant Lake with my parents. Allie and Christa are meeting us up there and staying until Friday. It's going to be super rad.

Not really missing school yet because I'm so busy. We got grades the other day and I did really well. My academic goals that I set at the beginning of the semester were waaaay achieved. I rawk :)

Last Semester's Goals:

#1)Get a SIX PACK!!!
#2) Get a B+ OR ABOVE in all my classes
#3) Find something FUN TO DO OVER THE SUMMER if I don't get into the study abroad program I applied to (which I will not...)

...Except I never got a 6 pack. But my abs do look toned and AWESOME. So that's pretty much a 2.5/3

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