Thursday, September 23, 2010

Kaiyuukan Aquarium, Osaka

Yesterday we had another day off because of the Autumnal Equinox. I wasn't gonna go but because it was supposed to rain all day, I decided to hit up the aquarium in Osaka with some friends. I went to the Boston Aquarium with my family recently, but to be honest, the one in Osaka is better. It's newer and larger and has all kinds of fish.. INCLUDING A WHALE SHARK.

The aquarium aslo had some of my favorite animals including capybara. They're so CUTE.

We got to check out the whale shark. These things are massive and they eat by sucking a ton of water and fish into their mouths like a vacuum. We stuck around for feeding time and so we got to see it do this.

It was a really fun day even though it was rainy. The aquarium was super-crowed but I still got some pretty good fish footage:

Yesterday was also very traumatic. Before even leaving the house I was attacked in my room by the largest cockroach I've ever seen in my life. It was probably five inches long and disgusting. I'm sure I was sleeping with that thing in my room for at least a week. HOLY CRAP.

I had to get Kenshi, my host brother, to come in and kill it for me. He had some kind of roach spray that he attacked it with and then left it under the can so it would suffocate. It's still in my room, under the spray bottle....

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