Sunday, October 17, 2010

AKP Fall Field Trip

So, before we left for our fall field trip, a bunch of us went and did 'nomikai' at a local 'British pub' in downtown Kyoto. The place looked pretty legit and we went for drinks at happy hour on a Wednesday night, so it wasn't very crowded. The only other people that shared the upstairs room with us was this group of Slovaks dressed up in the Japanese flag. They were all about 45 years old and a bit rowdy/ drunk.

Since it was only the day after my birthday, Keita, a Doshisha student who came along, brought a cake for all of us to share. The 'British pub' didn't have any forks, so we had to cut and eat the cake with chopsticks :P They all sang about 10 minutes of Happy Birthday with the Solvaks randomly singing a Birthday song in their langauge. At least, I hope it was a birthday song and not something rowdy and dirty haha

The next day, we left for our field trip from Kyoto Station. While at the station we randomly saw the Slovaks again. They were dressed in the same clothes they had been wearing the previous night. This confirms my theory that if you're a gaijin (foreigner) in Kyoto, you will always meet up/ see other gaijin that you know, no matter where you go. (And its true too. This kind of thing has happened to me so many times).

By bus, we eventually reached Kurashiki and had lunch. The place was pretty touristy but it was good to hang out with friends...

...and eat ice cream >:D

We stayed in a ryokan our first night. It was in the middle of no where but the view was stellar and it had an outdoor bath on the roof. We slept on the floor on futon.

The next day we went to Hiroshima and went to the Genbakku (Atomic Bomb) museum that they have there to promote the halt of nuclear violence. It was a bit gorey at times and really sad. Afterwards, we were starving so we went to get some famous Hiroshima okonomiyaki. Hiroshima's okonomiyaki is different because it has soba noodles on the bottom. Super tastey.
On the last day of the trip we went to Miyajima which is famous for having a temple buit right on the ocean.

It's also known for the hoards of deer that roam the place. They smelled weird.

As the day drew to an close, I took a creeper shot of this wedding:

The video I made of our adventures:

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