Sunday, November 14, 2010

Eiga Mura, Yakiniku, Tako-Pa

Last Monday, one week ago, our 'Otherness in Japanese Cinema' class took a field trip to Toei Studio Park, aka Eiga Mura. I was really psyched to go because they have film sets from famous movies, including a set used in the currently released film, Ooku. When I was there I found out that the sets at the place are used in over 200 movies a year.

Another weird fact I found out before I went is that my host brother used to go to acting classes at Toei Studio Park. I guess he was in a drama or something. I really didn't understand everything Okaasan was telling me..

Anyways, here are some pictures from the park, and a video:

When we first got to the park, they were putting on a sword fighting show. After it was over, the actors asked for audience members to go up on stage and display their skills. Hannah and Rachael both volunteered to go up and pretend to slice guys open with katanas.


This past Friday, a bunch of people from Joint Seminar (my class that combines Japanese and AKP students) went for nomi/tabe hodai (all you can eat/drink) at a yakiniku place on Shijo near Daimaru. I had never done yakiniku before but it was good to try it before I go to Korea, which is famous for having awesome yakiniku.

There was a brazier-type thing with a grill set in front of us to cook thin slices of meat on. One of the boys sitting at our table was Korean so we joked that he's a yakiniku expert, and we had him cook all the meat.

Yesterday, Sunday, DESA (an English-speaking club on campus) threw us AKP students a takoyaki party, aka 'tako-pa.' Takoyaki are octopus balls. But not really balls of an octopus, rather they're balls of dough with bits of octopus tenticals inside. You can also put other stuff in them too. At the party we filled them with things like cheese and chocolate. I ate too much.. probably at least 12 pieces + other snacks heh heh.

One week till Korea ! :D

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