Thursday, June 23, 2011

Oshare Farm Style

I don't know if it's all that common anymore but farm women in Japan during the War era often wore "monpei," or large baggy pants to work in the fields. Even though it's 2011, I was also expected to wear monpei to work every day:

Sometimes when we were working in the fields we also wore these stylish bonnet things. Even though we looked like old people, they were pretty good about keeping the sun off our faces. There was also the option to wear arm sleeves. Mine were a little too small so I opted not to wear them. Who wants a band of tan around their upper arm anyway???

Sunday, June 19, 2011

ジャンボ & 送別会 (Jumbo and Going Away Party)

On my last Sunday in Japan, Mayuka and I went to "Jumbo," a restaurant known for it's HUGE okonomiyaki and yaki soba:

The okonomiyaki wasn't as jumbo as I expected but it was still big and delicious~ Even though we got regular size yaki soba it was bigger than the jumbo okonomiyaki. I wanna know what the jumbo yaki soba looks like. It probably takes up the whole grill.

Afterward, I headed north to Kitayama Dori to visit my okaasan one last time before leaving. She owns a cafe and some friends and I were treated to her delicious cakes :)

Finally, I enjoyed one last Japanese parfait at Karafunea. I love that place. I'm leaving on Tuesday and it's sad but at least I can spend the fourth at home with family.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

More Images of Ohara

Here are some pictures I took while working at Ohara Kobo, a weaving and dyeing shop/ farm in Ohara, Japan.

Loom with Shuttle and Scarf

The Dye Shed

The Shop/ Showroom

After Harvesting Onions

The Workspace