Saturday, January 7, 2012

Tokyo Days 3,4 & 5

View from Tokyo Metropolitan Bulding

On Thursday I went to check out the 電力館, or TEPCO's energy museum in Shibuya, but when I got there I found out it was closed! There wasn't that much info regarding the closure but I was bummed because it would've been really beneficial for my research...

Instead, I ended up going to Harajuku. I thought it would be crawling with cosplayers but to be honest I only saw two or three people in full-on lolita regalia.

Later in the day, Ayako suddenly mailed me saying she was available, and so later that night we met in Shinjuku for SHABU SHABU.

The next day we met up again and went to a hip hop dance performance with some of her friends.

Today I finally got to go to the Ghibli museum. My favorite movies are Howl's Moving Castle, Sprited Away, and Castle in the Sky. I got to see original drawings from all the movies and everything in the museum was so pretty.

They don't let you take pictures inside, but even the outside was cool:

The robot from Laputa!

Later in the day, Ayana invited me out to dinner with her dad to eat at her uncle's newly opened restaurant. Everybody has been so incredibly nice!

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