Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Its been a while. Tons of [crappy] things have happened since I last had the desire to update and my mood is foul (teehee). It's midterms week and everybody is stressed out and at each other's throats. I don't have any happy news to report. Herein includes a whole lot of rejection and frustration and crying men.

This weekend, or uhhh, Friday that is, marked the end of a too-long indoor track season. The other week, I went to Boston with three other girls from my team and ran the 1600 in a DMR (Distance Medley Relay) so that we could qualify for ECACs and hopefully break the school record. We did qualify (and were far from the school record lawlz) and so I got to run last Friday at ECACs which were hosted, conveniently, here at Smith. This was really nice and I was able to see a ton (aka three) friends from my high school team.

Saturday I left for Connecticut and stayed at my cousins' house. There was a death in the family and so services were held this weekend. I missed classes on Monday to attend the funeral and made it back to campus in time for practice.

The combination of family and school stresses has made me feel completely annoyed with everything. Being like this make me worried for next year when I have to deal with frustrations abroad...coincidentally making me more stressed out dahaha.

Furthermore, track sucks insanely. I don't want to go into too much detail but it's just one more thing that's adding to my list. This past weekend I told my mom I wanted to quit and she looked at me with an annoyed expression and said something like, "Why are you saying things like this?" But the truth is I was close to quitting senior year of high school and now that same this-is-not-very-fun feeling is back. Thank sweet Scorpius that break starts Saturday and I can leave to see grandmama in Florida on Sunday.

As for rejections. I've had soooo many this week (two). The short story: I'm not gonna make bank working reunion and I'm not going abroad this summer (expected). [Insert endless whining about crappy boring summer job].

God I have to make this blog more than a whiny snore-fest. Next update probably because this one just begged for a rant :P


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