First of all, on Saturday I went to Callaway Gardens with Cynthia and her friend Joycee and hung out at the beach and saw a CIRCUS. So fab. I definitely haven't seen a circus since elementary school.
On the way back to Auburn, Cynthia and I stopped for ice-cream and then at the fireworks store we bought dangerous things like sparklers and poppers. There were so many sketchy old man-hicks buying hardcore explosives..
On the Fourth, I sat around all day watching dramas. They're so incredibly addicting.. Then I went to GAP.
Later that evening I met up with Ayako and went to this girl, Pam's, house for dinner. She lives down the road in the upper floor of this older house. It's a really neat room but it didn't have any air conditioning. It wasn't bad because she had a big fan on but I don't know how she can stand living there in the middle of Alabama's summer where 95 degrees is the average temperature.. Anyways, she's really cool and the dinner was really good. Another cool girl named Ann also joined us.
Afterwards, a few more people that I don't know met us at the apartment and we headed over to Winn Dixie to watch the town fireworks. They were OK. I've seen better ones at Schroon Lake, but it was still a bunch of fun.
On Monday I went out to dinner with Ayako and her friend Chie. I guess all the Japanese students in the Cambridge dorm have a deal with this Chinese restaurant down the street: The owner will pick them up whenever they want to eat there. And so this old Chinese man picked us up and drove us to his restaurant and Ayako ordered food for all of us. When she ordered something called "cho," I was like, "O God," because 'cho' is a word I know from the little Japanese I learned in high school. So I wasn't surprised when a bunch of pig intestines showed up on our table. Ayako had Chie and I try some but they smelled really funk and tasted even funker so I stayed away for the rest of the meal did Chie haha.
It wasn't until yesterday that I learned that intestines aren't a big deal around here and people eat them all the time in the south. I was eating with Patricia and Ayako at lunch and Ayako had her leftover intestines and goes to Patricia, "Want to try some," and I was like, "Patricia, you don't want that," and Patricia was like, "Mmmm intestines," and took a few. I stared at her and she explained that her mom used to make them all the time IN HER HOUSE. And I secretly gagged a bit as Patricia explained that it made the house smell but you'd be attracting all the flies in the neighborhood if you cooked them outside. Thank God I was born in the north where the average Joe doesn't eat things that poop moves through.
Later in the day we did fireworks at Cynthia's house. IT WAS RAD. Samir was there and he was kind of scary with the bottle rockets. We had to talk him out of lighting one off in his hand. In the end, nobody died or lost fingers so it was a pretty successful evening..
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