Friday, September 10, 2010

AKP Orientation Days 2 and 3

Thursday, AKP hooked us up with Doshisha students so that they could show us around where we are going to live, and teach us the way from our homestays to school. Two girls, Ayumi and Ayaka, showed me around. They were really nice and even knew a bit of English :)

At the end of my tour we went out to eat at Kyoto Station and I had cold soba for the first time ever. It was pretty OK.

Since Thursday was our last night at the Kyoto TOWER hotel, Katie and I went up to the top (100m (?) in the air :O) and took some pictures. Kyoto by night was really pretty:

While there I met トワワーチャん (ToWaWa-chan/ 'Tower-chan)

The next day everybody in AKP went to Shimogamo Shrine to pray for a successful and lucky year. The first thing you do when you get to a shrine is clean your hands. While we were all there, we interrupted a man who was filling bottles with shrine water. IRONICALLY he was my host father. I got to meet him quickly before we moved on..

While at Shimogamo, a priest sung us a blessing, wishing us a successful and fruitful year. Since it was all in Japanese, the only words I got were "Professor Maki Hubbard" and "Doshisha University." But it was a neat experience never-the-less.

Finally, we got dressed up and went to the host family welcome party. I was so nervous but everybody looked STELLAR :D

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