Thursday, March 24, 2011

Okinawa (火/水)

After some time in Kyoto we arrived in Okinawa on Tuesday night. The weather was cool and windy. We took the single monorail in all of Okinawa to our hostel, Burney's Breakfast, a strange place. We booked a private room for 3 which turned out to be this small box with a loft area above. I slept on the floor and Martin and Mike slept on the loft.

The hostel also had these capsules stacked on top of each other for single travelers. Claire ended up rooming in one of those.

The first night there we hit up the town and especially Kokusai Dori (International Street), which seems to be famous for having an overload of souvenir shops. Some crazy souvenir examples include real dried up frogs turned into purses and sake made from snake venom (complete with a real snake floating in it). Both pretty gross.

One thing Okinawa is known for is its "Beniimo," some kind of purple sweet potato thing I think. We ended up buying beniimo soft cream, but they also had beniimo cookies and candies and slushies.

Our first night there we got "Okinawan Soba," which is supposedly not very tasty. It seemed like any other soba to me: noodles in broth.. Not bad though..

The next day we went to Shuri Castle via the monorail. The area was really beautiful and the castle walls are huge. We walked along the rampart and randomly came across Julia, Kate (x2) and Kenta. FATE.

From the top we could see a lot of the city

The main building

Famous gate near the on the premises

Afterwards we did lunch at a curry place that also had doughnuts. The BEST.

Next we went to the Pottery Village. There were many shops lined up on one street that all sold clay pottery and glass. All of them had Okinawan siisaa, lion-dog statues. The shop owners were really nice and even gave us discounts and chatted with us in Japanese.

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