I finally fulfilled a childhood dream and went rock climbing at Albany Indoor Rock Gym (AIR). I got Allie to come along with me and we had a blast climbing walls and getting stuck in their cave system.
First one of the staff members, a guy who said his name was "Billy Joel," taught us how to belay each other. Although sort of a crotch-pincher, it wasn't too hard and we got the hang of it quickly. We climbed for a bit and then hit up the indoor caving system:
To be honest the caves kind of creeped me out a bit. At first it was the fact that I may get stuck. I solved that by sticking Allie in the front so that if she got stuck in a hole then I wouldn't go that way. Probably not a good friendship move.
Then I got worried about all the crap in the caves. Like I said, those things are tight and probably have never ever been cleaned. I don't even know how they were able to paint them all black. As we were crawling though I kept stepping in piles of dust? paint? human remains? Who knows what..
Finally, as we went farther and father into the massive indoor cave system I began to think, "what if there was a murderer hiding somewhere in here with an axe and we can't see him because it's pitch black and we'll come across him and he'll chop our heads off or something."
Clearly, somebody would probably realize if one of the patrons was dragging an axe into the cave system and then how the heck would somebody swing an axe in such a tight space? These were things I didn't think about at the time and if I had it probably wouldn't have made for such an exciting caving experience.
I am so game to go back to AIR again. Can't wait to check out the climbing wall at school >:D