Martin came and visited me up at Brant Lake again, and if it's even possible, I think I probably enjoyed this time more than last time. We spent a lot of time hanging out at my uncle's nice house on Schroon Lake. We played a lot of games including BANANAGRAMS, my new obsession:
We also ate a TON of food. I swear I thought I would never ever ever ever be hungry again after a week of just gorging myself on ice cream and cookies but turns out that a week later I forgot all about the diet I swore I would go on and I'm again eating pints of ice cream a day..

Like I said, we also made cookies and above is the Tollhouse cookie recipe without baking soda. We didn't realize we were missing the baking soda until we started taking all the ingredients out and then we were like, the hell with it, and just made very flat but very delicious cookies. They were especially good with all that ice cream :D

Finally, on Wednesday Christa came up and we got to work painting the trailer that my dad uses to haul stuff around. Soon it's gonna be put to use dragging all my tons of crap to college. The theme was "Sea creatures in space." Whatever that means, haha.
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