Thursday, January 19, 2012

New York City - Career Tracks

The Smith College Career Development Office (CDO) took a group of us down to NYC to network with alums and other professionals. My group was the "Sustainable Foods" track, and so we went around to different businesses dealing with some aspect of sustainable food.

One of the locations included The Green Table at Chelsea Market, where they serve local and organic foods including delicious cheeses from New York State.

It was interesting seeing the different career options and thinking about where I could end up in a few years. Although, I'd rather not live in NYC. It was a huge wake up call to go from the fairly clean Tokyo to dirty, smelly New York City.

We finished up the evening at an alum's townhouse on the Upper East Side. There we ate dinner, drank wine and sparkling water, and chatted with fellow Smithies.

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