Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Densha Otoko

I promised in my last update a rant about whiny men, and here it is, a complete(ly biased) review of DENSHA OTOKO (電車男), also known as "Train Man."

Densha Otoko is a Japanese movie about an otaku, aka nerdy man, who falls in love with a woman. Throughout the movie we never learn these people's names, they're just referred to as "Train Man" and "Hermes." The two meet on a train (go figure) when he heroically (?) saves her from a harassing drunkard. The two fall in love at first sight. He loves her for her cute innocence and ability to ignore his bad looks and obvious weirdness. She loves him for ... his dedication to her that boarders on stalking (?)

Because Train Man is socially awkward, a nerd, and has no skill with women, he turns to the internet for help. Through a chat room, a bunch of other problem-ridden people feed him relationship advice. Some of these people include an emo kid who stays in his room all day petting his rabbit, three (awesome) freaks who wear fanny packs and hang out in a manga cafe, and a workaholic man, among others. From my point of view, these aren't the best people to be taking advice from, but somehow it works for him. Maybe it's because Hermes is kind of a weirdo herself.

[chotto spoiler] In the end, as you may have guessed, the guy gets the girl. It culminates in a "make out scene" where he lets loose his emotions in a sob-fest. This is where I totally broke down and wanted to kill the both of them. He is so lame and she is so weird and how does this relationship even work?

Here ends my review, which, is less of a review and more of a biased and horrible synopsis. Actually, I have to write an essay on this movie for class and this is what I'm doing instead to procrastinate :)

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