Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Spring Break and Ramblings ...

I can't remember the last time I updated it feels like so long ago. Spring break just ended on Sunday and I'm feeling the pain of realizing I still have 6+ weeks of school left. Being on break made me realize that I actually do like having free time and doing nothing...

The first Sunday of break my mom dropped me off at Bradely Airport in Hartford and I flew to Cleveland and then to Florida where my grandma lives in the winter. She picked me up at the airport and drove an hour and a half to the old folks community place where she lives. I really like her neighborhood because it's pretty and full of old people and relaxing and has a pool.

I don't even remember what I did over break, that's how good it was. The days all blended together in a chunky blur of laziness. Things I do remember: emptying my pockets [bank account] of about $300, eating around 3 pints of ice-cream at an amazing Chinese buffet, eating my body weight in food, and shopping. I also went to the beach and got a full year's worth of good cancer-causing radiation, and my grandma took me to the movie "Alice in Wonderland."

The latter was pretty good. I definitely recommend going to see it. I heard some people say that it was too random and full of unexplained details but that doesn't really matter because it was exciting and interesting and fun :)

I flew back into Hartford two days ago on Sunday and caught the school shuttle back to Smith. I think I spent the rest of the day moping around my dorm room. This is dangerous because now that I'm back a lot of my drive to do well has disappeared. I also forgot a whole half semester of Japanese in the one week I was away from it. This is promising because I'm definitely going to slack off all summer and then go to Japan and understand nothing.

O, God. Also, this weekend I have my first outdoor track meet. It's going to be ridiculous, probably, and it's definitely going to be a total waste of time. Furthermore I have to miss the big n3rd convention here at school: ConBust. I didn't go last year but I heard it was full of LARPing and general freakishness. How/ Why do I have to miss out on this??? At least I wont miss meeting Tamora Pierce!! :O

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