Thursday, April 22, 2010

Alabama, y'all

Happy Earth Day! Every Earth Day makes me remember the best Earth Day ever, two years ago, in high school when I helped put together an Earth Day table. I was part of Environmental Club. It was really cool because we did a plant sale and set up displays with pamphlets and handed out pencils made of recycled materials. This year they had some stuff on campus but I couldn't go because I was finishing my digital storytelling project for Japanese class:

Let's Exercise!

Yea glad that's over with. I kept making fun of Mary Elizabeth because she sounds so robotic...but since I do too, I guess I shouldn't say anything.

And so, going backwards in time from today. I'll start with yesterday: two things happened that I can remember. The first is that I went to a reunion of all the people who were in my First Year Seminar class, Kyoto Through the Ages. Last year we all went to Kyoto, Japan for two weeks and so it was really great to see them all again. We made sushi and it was a major fail, but it was pretty fun anyways.

Earlier that day, something really gross happened. I was lifeguarding, watching the old people jump up and down in aqua aerobics, whatnot.. and then a patron calls for me and holds up something dangling from her hand. I THOUGHT it was a hairball, and so I was slightly grossed out. Picking up the trashcan, I made my way over to her only to realize that it was a dead mouse. It had drowned in the pool. Gross. I didn't touch it, the patron had it by the tail so she put it in the trashcan. I am so happy that I never had to deal with dead furry things at work last summer. Sometimes frogs would get stuck in the filter, but they were usually alive. Also, there's something about a dead furry animal that frogs don't have. It must be because fur is nasty and disease-ridden.

Going further back in time: This weekend was the Aloha Relays at Bowdoin. The meet was tons of fun last year but this year was a bummer. It took 5 hours to get to the hotel Friday night, and then Saturday morning we woke up and I peaked out the window only to see SNOW. Ridiculous. Not just tiny flakes but full-blown snow. Of course, it turned into rain by the time we got to the track, and we spent the whole day freezing. I ran the 800 and my legs froze and then fell off.

Finally..This is the big news..I'll tell you that I'm not guarding at the old people pool this summer! Yatta! I never thought this would happen but I got an email on Friday asking for a phone interview. I called them on Saturday and I must've done a good job because I got an internship. heh heh heeeeh. It's an REU so their paying me bank, and it's gonna be in Alabama. I'm a bit worried because I've never ever been near the south in the summertime, but it'll give me some good research experience. I leave on May 30th, a week after I get back from California, and I'll be in Alabama for 10 weeks.

It's a bit sad cuz I'll be missing out on all the cool home stuff like going to the lake, my friends, JESUS RUNNING CAMP, parents...i guess. I'm really sad I have to miss out on camp, but I'll get over it >:D

[/edit] I CAN'T WATCH ADVENTURE TIME FOR THE NEXT 2+ WEEKS I AM GOING TO DIE. This is really bad because I missed it this week too. I'm going to be soooo outta the loop :O :O :O

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