Sunday, August 8, 2010


Urg. There are definitely intensely awkward and non-thrilling pictures of me on google images.

There is so much to talk about since I just got home today from Alabama/ Pittsburgh/ The Lake.. but since I'm lazy, I'd rather do it all by posting more exciting pictures. Since I saved all my pics to my cell phone memory instead of the card memory, i have to figure out how to get them all off my cell phone and upload them and that's gonna take a few years. SUPER LAME.

Just a quick update. I got my host family information today in the mail. I'm gonna be living with the K Family in, I think, the crotch of the Kamo River. If you can imagine it, the Kamo river is shaped like a big "Y" and flows south. I'll be between the two rivers that converge, most likely. I haven't exactly located my new home, but later I'll stalk it up on Google maps.

So the fam consists of mom, dad, sister (18, currently away at college) and brother (17). They seem pretty cool. They say I have no curfew, can drink whenever/ wherever I want if I wanted to, they don't smoke, have no pets. Perfect. That's, like, everything I asked for.

Another thing is that my commute to school is a breeze. I'm sure that the program is gonna give me a bike to use since I'm living only a few blocks away from Doshisha. It's a bummer because I wont get a travel stipend, but it's better than having to commute 2 hours to school everyday (!!)

WOAH. Things are getting real.

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