Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Yo. Back from Pittsburgh and the ESA meeting. Have some pics:

While at ESA I did the SEEDS program, which is a student program intended to promote diversity in ecology. I was a bit skeptical at first. To be honest, I didn't know if the program was supposed to be ONLY for minority students, but when I got there I was happy to see that there was a mix of a bunch of different people.

One of the first SEEDS activities was to explore Pittsburgh. My friend Carly lives in Pennsylvania and when I asked her what Pittsburgh is famous for she said, "nothing really.." But when she really thought about it she said that I should ride an incline. I had no idea what that was BUT NOW I KNOW.

We rode it up to Mt. Washington and the view of Pittsburgh was pretty stellar.

Coincidentally they were having a local, outdoor arts festival. This guy was super neat. He makes jewelery. In the pic he's making a glass bead. It looked pretty easy but I'm sure it's super-difficult.

The next day I went hiking with a group of some ESA people. Most of them were adults. The hike was OK.. Just take my advice: Never go on a nature hike with a bunch of ecologists because they want to stop every five minutes and identify some plant or another. The scenery was neat though.

I was really lucky to meet up with some other undergrads who wanted to explore the city. During the week I checked out the Andy Warhol museum. Wow that was so cool. I hardly knew anything about Andy Warhol but he's so awesome. Also, on my last afternoon I went to the National Aviary.

There were a ton of birds but the African Penguins were my favorite. THEY'RE SO ADORBZ.

For the last night I went to a Pirates game at PNC Park with the SEEDS people. It was my first baseball game everrr (excluding little league). It wasn't that interesting but the all-you-can-eat food was awesome.

Friday (8/6) I finally flew back to NY and headed up to Brant Lake with Dad for my cousin's graduation party. I spent two totally awesome weeks chilling at the lake. Now I have to stress about Japan..

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