Monday, March 21, 2011

Ninja Cafe and Fushimi Inari

Friday, Friday, Friday Martin's parents treated Hannah C and me to dinner at NINJA CAFE KYOTO for a late birthday gift. The restaurant is set up like a maze/ cave/ ninja lair. When we first got there the ninja-outfitted waitress led us through this twisty path to our table set in this cave-y room:

They gave us NINJA THROWING STAR chips for before dinner >:D

After we ate our small portions (D:) a senior ninja came into our cave room and showed us NINJA MAGIC. Which is doing magic with cards while dressed like a ninja. There was even some FIRE action when the ninja man took out his wallet and FLAMES BURST FROM THE INSIDES.

Saturday Martin and I went for a walk around Fushimi Inari, one of my favorite places in Kyoto. Walking the whole loop took about an hour/ hour and a half since we were going slow and stopped often to look around:

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