Friday, March 25, 2011

Okinawa (木)

Thursday we went to OKINAWA WORLD. Which was incredibly touristy of us but still fantastic. Even though it was the off season the place we pretty busy but we still were able to see all the attractions we wanted to. We purchased tickets for the cave and for the HABU (a kind of poisonous Okinwan snake) museum.

The cave was huge and took forever to walk through. It was kind of sad because they built a path through it and had to cut off some stalactites to make room for people's heads. It was still beautiful, though, and really interesting. Supposedly it's the biggest cave in Japan and it took us about a half hour to walk slowly through it.

Once we came out of the cave, we were on the other side of the park near the tropical fruit orchards. So we snacked.

Best mango of my life.

The path through the park took us around the "pottery and glass" place where there was outdoor glass blowing and a souvenir shop full of pots. Afterwards was the "traditional village" area where they had snake skins hanging up on the old-school houses. Martin made some dumb joke about how the "hebi" (snake) looked "heavy" and this Japanese lady next to us giggled. Next we wandered up to a booth selling mango buns and martin bought one. I said to him that it looked cute and giggly lady was there again, and she giggled.

Later we spotted a place where you can dress up like traditional Okinawans for 500 yen and since dressing up is always a part of our trip to-do list we WENT:
As they were putting the clothes on us Giggly Lady saw us and giggled.

There was a factory where they make sake from Habu snake venom.

At the Habu Museum we saw a snake show and Martin and I took pictures of each other holding a SNAKE

Later that day we moved hostels and took a bus to Yomitan Village which is north of Naha. We stayed at Yomitan Village Backpackers and went to an izakaya for dinner. The people who owned the place were really nice and chatted with us a bit.

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