Sunday, April 10, 2011

Maruyama Park

Saturday I finally went with my friends to Maruyama Koen, a park famous for its cherry trees. We did hanami and Mayuka made us a bento lunch:

Maruyama koen is known for being extremely crowded during the cherry blossom viewing season and so there were blue tarps spread out anywhere with hardly any space to even walk. Furthermore, since it is the beginning of the semester many school clubs and circles claim a spot to both do hanami and new student introductions. Later in the night (and even during the afternoon/ late morning) things can get rowdy when the sake is brought out. We saw many circles setting up their areas for late night revels by carting boxes and boxes of alcohol to over to their tarp.

In the late afternoon, Mayuka and I went for parfaits at a local shop in Gion. We wanted to go to a place famous for its green tea ice cream but the line was incredibly long due to the masses of people who are in Kyoto for hanami.

Anyway, it was good we went to the restaurant we did because I was able to see a Maiko up close. She sat down at the table next to us with her older man companion and they both ordered strawberry parfaits. It was weird that she was at the not-famous shop. Unfortunately I didn't get a picture :(

A view of the Takano River from a bridge near my house

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