Sunday, July 31, 2011

Brant Lake 5K

Today I tempo ran the Brant Lake 5K charity run for fun. I think I ran just under 24 minutes, which tells you how unprepared for the upcoming cross country season I am.

I had a good time and a lot of people from my neighborhood up there competed and won prizes. I ended up getting third in my age category :)

About 2.5 miles in

Connie and me at the finish. She's one sassy lady !

My uncle got first in his age category and bested my time by about a minute

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Jet Skiing at the Cape

Today my dad rented us a jet ski for an hour to finish up our vacation here at the Cape. It was my third time trying it but I didn't get really brave on it until the last half hour. So much fun. I wish we could keep these at the lake, but it's not allowed..

Salt water was all up in my eye

Images of Cape Cod

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Deep Sea Fishing off Cape Cod

We chartered a boat to go deep sea fishing for a few hours and ended up catching about 15 sea bass. We couldn't keep fish under 28 inches and so we had to throw a lot back but got 7 to fillet and bring home. Tonight we're grilling fish for dinner :D

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Brant Lake with Martin



dancing ~

Monday, July 4, 2011

Pig Roast!

I celebrated Independence day with my family on the Saturday before at their lake house on Schroon. It was great to chill with my cousins:

The first day we got together at my uncle's lake house, we ate Maine lobster that my cousin's friend brought back from Maine. The next day was PIG ROAST DAY. My cousin and uncle put together a pit to roast the pig and then cooked it for hours. We ate it for dinner:

It looks disgusting but trust me it smelled soooo good. Hopefully they do another pig roast some day. It was so interesting. Some of the guts were left inside the pig like the heart and liver. My uncle ate the cheeks. I tried the ears on a dare. They were gross, as expected.

Brant Lake, NY