Monday, April 23, 2012

Baldwin Senior Banquet

House senior banquets are a Smith tradition, and Baldwin House knows how to do it right. Seniors chose the theme for this year: Pajama party. In the past, we generally had to dress up for senior banquet, but we wanted to keep things easy and relaxed this year with a PJ party. 

Dinner was Thai food and seniors wore BK crowns and were served by the first years <3. First years performed a song about the house. Sophomores performed prophecies for the seniors, and juniors performed a skit featuring each senior. 

Next, we did wills in the living room, where seniors willed their things to lower classwomen. Traditional Baldwin wills include things like: a giant cardboard cutout of Xena: Warrior Princess, sex toys, lesbian sex books, and a thong leotard. Classy stuff.

Finally, at the end of the night we trooped through the rain to Paradise Pond and jumped in. The water was FREEZING. Some girls went naked/ topless but most went in underwear/ bikinis. On our way back to the house we chanted Baldwin cheers and made Albright (our rival house) feel like losers!

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