Wednesday, January 13, 2010

2010 Beginnings :D

What the heck do you call this decade, "The Tens" ?? So confusing. And this year my friend is "The Class of Ten," which sounds really stupid. Anyways, New Years was fun and I spent it with Christa at her house. We watched the ball drop on TV and I ate a lot of candy and we played mad libs.

The next day I went home early, packed and made my way to Connecticut where my Aunt, Uncle and Cousins live. And then on Saturday we made the 13 hour trip to Charleston, to do a Habitat for Humanity project.

All of us woke up late on Sunday and spent the day in Charleston. The city is so cool and oldish-looking. My cousin works for a carriage tour company so he was able to get us a free tour around the city. So many houses are really neat and I wish I could own something like that. After the tour we went to the old slave market where they now have vendors set up. Not many people were there since it was so cold, but my cousin Kelly told me that it's really packed in the spring and summer. Later that night we went to dinner at Kelly's Americore friend's house.

The next day we started construction at the build site. It turned out that we were building a wheelchair ramp at the house Kelly lived at when she did Americore in Charleston two years ago. Initially, everybody thought, "Bahh, a wheelchair ramp, so easy. It'll take no time at all!" WRONG. We didn't even finish it by the end of four days of work, which is kinda sad. Throughout the day we dug holes for the posts and mixed/ poured concrete. It was absolutely freezing out and I shivered like crazy. That night we went out for ice-cream at a type of "Coldstone Creamery" knockoff place. It was OK but the cookie dough they put in my ice-cream tasted funk.

Tuesday at the build site I got to work inside which was so nice 'cause it's heated. I painted a bunch of doors. That night we went and saw "Avatar" in theaters. We wanted to go to the Imax theater but it was all sold out (On a Tuesday night?!?!). We ended up going to this other place and we had to wait around for an hour and a half for the movie to start. It was OK though and we saw it in 3D. The movie was really awesome. I wouldn't mind seeing it again soon >:D

Wednesday at the job site I began to lay decking on the ramp with the help of Courtney, a girl my age from the church group we came with. Also, I used a table saw for the first time in my life and SAWED MY THUMB OFF...didn't get harmed at all. Later that night I had a southern experience 'cause we went to an Oyster bake, or whatever. Oysters are so gross and funky looking but I still ate a lot. Some of them had what looked like poo, still inside of them so I didn't eat them or made a mistake and ate them and they tasted gritty..

Thursday was our last day at the job site and I finished up the decking with Courtney and we got everything done except for the railings. For dinner we went to my cousin's girlfriend, Jen's, friend's house. Complicated. Her house was on John's Island and was huuuge with three floors and a great view of some water. We had steak and GRITS--so Southern--and sweet potato fries.

Friday the church group we were with left to go back to Pennsylvania and my group was gonna go to the job site to help the regular volunteers finish the ramp. (Unfortunately) it was raining. Ho hum we had to sleep in sad.. Instead we played cards all morning. In the afternoon we went back into Charleston to go to the market again, eat dinner and go on a ghost tour which was lame and I saw no ghosts which is lamer. That night I also withdrew $200 from the ATM for secretive thingsss...

...Cause my cousin's girlfriend's birthday was coming up and my cousin planned a surprise for her. We got up early Saturday morning and drove 2 hours to the airport where we WENT SKYDIVING. Paying someone to jump out of a plane is the most useless thing I've ever done with my money but so freaking insanely cool. Our free fall was 120 mph and lasted only 40 seconds or so. It was freezing and I could see the ocean from where we were. Matt was able to surprise Jen successfully and I think everybody had a really great time. That night we went to dinner at a nice place and I had the best salmon I've ever had in my life :D

We went home on Sunday. It took us a record 12.5 hours. I stayed the night at my Aunt and Uncle's house and the next day my cousin Kelly brought me back to Smith where I am now :) J-TERM IS SO AWESOME. yea.

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