Tuesday, January 26, 2010


GOD. I am TRYING to watch "Princess Hours" on my computer here at school but the internet connection is so slow I can only stream it at 2PM when everybody else is in class or at 2AM.

Speaking of classes, they've finally started and that means I'm tired all the time and I feel like I've been hit by a bus full of nerds.

Monday, yesterday, I had my first intermediate-level Japanese class and I think I'm going to either murder myself or this...freaky crazy girl. She is in both sections of my nihongo class and is "That Girl." It's not just the normal level oddness you get with Japan fanatics but beyond that into some 4th dimension.

I recently heard some stories about her at my "Waterboys" party Saturday. Maybe you're thinking, "How can a girl who has a 'Waterboys Party' complain about other people's nerdiness?" Well there are two reasons:

#1) Waterboys is awesome and completely not nerdy at all. In fact, those who came to my party are unquestionably the coolest people in the nihongo class

#2) I hate anime.

Japanese is going to be a butt this semester. I've accepted the fact. There are almost 40 students in second-year nihongo, a previously unheard of number. It's really popular this year. Because of budget cuts they've cut down the number of class sections from three to two, so the class sizes are huge.

I'm also taking "Behavior Genetics," which is my first 300-level class.

Today I had my first "Biodiversity, Ecology and Conservation" class. I looked up the prof on ratemyprofessors.com and it says that he's really boring. Hopefully I'll survive. For the second half of the semester the course is being taught by a guy just out of school. This means that after spring break I don't have to look at an old-guy face for an hour and a half every Tu/Th.

Finally, I am taking "Japanese Language and Culture," which will be a totally AWESOME class because it includes about 1/2 my nihongo class: all the cool people with just a sprinkling of nerds. Plus the prof was like "nihongo's tough so I wont make you do a lot." AND THERE IS NO FINAL.

Going to that class was probably the highlight of my week because yesterday sucked balls. I was definitely harassed while working at the library by people who ask dumb questions that I don't know how to answer...Though nothing can top the girl who asked me for an ace bandage that time... (at the science library ?!?!).

Ahhhh all I wanna do is sit back and watch some good dramas and eat candy. I guess I should set some motivational goals. They are as follows:


#1)Get a SIX PACK!!!
#2) Get a B+ OR ABOVE in all my classes
#3) Find something FUN TO DO OVER THE SUMMER if I don't get into the study abroad program I applied to (which I will not...)

This may include: Going on a trip to California, Going to Six Flags in NJ, sawing off my own arm

Any of the above listed are > in fun than my current job, lifeguarding for old people, and are therefore preferred. And speaking of lifeguarding I have my first shift at the pool tomorrow where I guard for an old people aqua-aerobics class. WHAT IS WITH ALL THE OLD PEOPLE???

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