Sunday, February 6, 2011

Host Family Day Trip

Last Saturday was the AKP day trip with our host families to Ise Jingu. Ise is the most famous shrine in Japan right now because it's where the imperial family goes to worship, or something, I think... Anyways, Ise is also a "Power Spot," or a place that supposedly gives good luck to whoever visits it. Japan is in the middle of a "Power Spot Boom," where tons of people believe in good fortune, health, good relations, etc. that comes from visiting a power spot. I think that Shimogamo-jinja, right next to my house, is considered a Power Spot.

Although it was a "host family" trip, that apparently meant that our host families just happened to be on the same outing. Nobody's fam expected them to hang out. They kept telling us to chill with our friends whenever we tried to chat with them, which felt a little weird. I hardly saw my host fam at all (we weren't even on the same bus), so I don't have any pictures with them..

The first place the bus stopped was a craft center where they do special silk weaving. We all got to make our own bracelets/ key chains. I had a feeling it was gonna be super-lame but it really wasn't. In fact, it was neat and my bracelet looks ultra-stellar.

we sat on the floor and weaved them with those circle-y things

Next we went to Ise and there were a hell-of-a-ton of people since it was still so close to New Years. Okaasan and Otousan waited forever in that huge line to go pray at the shrine but I opted to hang back and not stand around. Instead I had an OK time with friends:

To end the day, a few of us drifted down the packed street outside the shrine where they sell all kinds of food and souvenirs. I ate a ton, but in all the trip wasn't as great as I thought it would be.. For one, it wasn't actually a host family trip, and also it's kind of boring to be at a super-crowded shrine, even if it is famous..

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