Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Sapporo: Day 3

On the third day I went to Sudome, home of the dome, for snow festival events taking place there. I was expecting there to be a lot of people but it was pretty low-key.

we went tubing (!!)

And we got pulled behind a snowmobile in a raft. Those are some of the women I met at the hostel. Everybody was super funny and tons of fun to hang out with >:)

There were lots of random snow sculptures.

Eventually I met up with some AKP people and we chilled out in the dome a little bit. The rest of the day was chill. I eventually returned to the hostel, ordered some pizza, and then watched a JUGGLING VIDEO with friends.

While eating dinner, I met a guy whose sister had done AKP in the past and now lives in Tokyo. Small world :O

For some reason the hostel was filled with all this juggling gear for sale. I guess the owner must be a huge fan of juggling. 不思議な〜

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