Saturday, July 24, 2010

Atlanta, etc.

Monday we went to Six Flags in Atlanta and I couldn't take the heat or the crowds. It would've been okay if it wasn't about a hundred degrees, but as it was, it wasn't great. That's okay because I wasn't expecting much.

The following day was a lot better because we went shopping. I LOVE shopping. I ended up buying a dress to wear in Japan at the dinner where we meet our host families.

(It's not so drape-y on me but then again, I don't weigh 100 lbs at 5'9" )

Anyways, speaking of host family things, I still don't know who they are. AKP hasn't sent us any information since we chose our gateway cities about a week and a half ago.. I'm getting really impatient and antsy. I keep checking the facebook page about 2 times a day to see if anybody has posted anything. Nobody has. We should be getting info soon. I looked at the old AKP facebook page and people posted about getting host family info around early August. That's a week away so I should know soon.. OooOooOOoo it's exciting.

Wednesday night I went to a club/ bar with some of my friends. It was totally lame and totally not like Smith parties. Smith parties are lesbian-tastic and whorey in a unique way that I've come to enjoy, but this place wasn't like that. While Smith parties have their share of girls grinding against other girls and guys in a dark room, it's also a place where you can actually dance without being booty-licious. Basically, the night made me miss my Smith girls ..

We took the Japanese students to club-bar with us and they were overwhelmed. In the middle of the dance floor, Ayako leaned over and whispered into my ear, "Major cultureshock." And I wasn't surprised. Maybe youth at Japanese bars aren't so frank with their horny-ness. I guess I'll find out in a few months ..

The rest of the week was a sucky blur of not enough sleep. Thursday and Friday we had to be up early (5:30am) for work. Since I'm finally certified to drive the school trucks, I took one out to Lake Martin so that we could clean up our experiment. We had to pack 44 big trash cans and frames into two trucks and a boat. Once again it was so bootleg. Patricia and I spent the rest of the day power washing trash cans in the 95 degree heat. TGIWeekend :D

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