Sunday, July 18, 2010

Burger Meat

Pounder Challenge: One pound of hamburger + bun + toppings.

Yesterday I went to Cheeseburger Cheeseburger with some of my friends so that Ayako and Yuka could take the "pounder challenge." They had as much time as they needed to finish a pound of burger plus everything that goes with it. Ayako finished hers in, like, 15 minutes. CHAMP.

(Pounder on the Left, Normal on the Right !!)

They got their pictures taken and put on the wall of the restaurant. Lots of people have done it so there are a bunch of pictures everywhere. Cynthia and I will probably try it sometime next week. I just have to fast for about a week beforehand ..

After dinner, we all went bowling at Auburn Lanes. I lost the first game. Yuka won both times. None of us scored over 100 bahaha. It was a lot of fun, though. I don't think I've been bowling since senior year.

Today, Patricia and I are going to Atlanta and we're staying at Alan's aunt's house. We're gonna go to six flags and go shopping. I'm probably gonna spend a lot of money. It'll be great. We leave in about an hour and I still have to go pack ..

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