Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Clubbing, Taylor Swift, and Valentine's Day

Friday night I arrived back in Kyoto and the next day bummed around the downtown shops and Starbucks. It was really relaxing and later on I met up with Carla and Marion, who I had met at the hostel in Sapporo. They left to sightsee in Kyoto before I left Sapporo and so they had already been around the temples and traditional stuff. I decided to show them my most fav spots downtown and so we went to Mr. Young Man and had okonomiyaki for dinner, followed by giant parfaits at Karafuneya, and then puri kura, karaoke and finally clubbing at World. I had never been to World before I didn't really know where it was or how things worked there. All I knew is that it was midnight and things wouldn't pick up until 2AM most likely. When we got there, we found out that they were checking IDs and slightly panicked because Marion's under 20 and not at drinking age in Japan yet. Using my stellar Japanese and feminine skillz, I convinced the bouncer to let us in and since it was a Ladies' Night, we went up free of charge.

The place was pretty tiny and there weren't many people around. There were about five dudes and a girl on the dance floor. At first we sat down for a few minutes and looked around but then got up to dance and were soon followed by a group of Japanese dudes and some girls. Carla and Marion have boogie skills which helped make of for my middle-aged mom dancing and so we all had a good time.

I got home a little before 3AM and collapsed into bed. The next day I bummed around some more and waited until the afternoon when I made my way to Osaka for the Taylor Swift concert. Right now, she's doing a world tour and I guess she's in Asia now.

Here's some video I took at the concert:

Later, I had my second parfait in two days with Mayuka, who fabulously got the concert tickets.

The next day, Valentine's Day, was my first day back to classes and was full of too much chocolate. In Japan, Valentine's Day is a day when girls are supposed to make chocolate (always make, never buy) for their crush and then confess to them. The crush has a month, until March 14 (White Day) to reply to the confession. I didn't actually see any confessions in progress, so I don't know how common this practice actually is but it's more exciting than Valentine's Day in the US to be sure.

Besides chocolate for your crush, you're also supposed to give chocolate to your male family members and friends and you can even buy "MY Choco" for yourself. I got a lot of My Choco. Following school, I went to Karafuneya with friends for dinner and my third parfait in three days.

Around 7PM I went to the local Starbucks for a Valentine's Day live. It was fun :D

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