Monday, February 7, 2011

Sapporo: Day 2 (Snow Festival Start)

I woke up pretty early Monday but couldn't get my butt out of bed but when I finally did I met some other girls at the hostel and we all decided to go out together. First stop was a local bakery for breakfast:

Afterward, we headed over to Odori (where I went Sunday night) to check out the ice sculptures during the day and go ice skating. The skating was pretty cheap, although the rink was small.

we tried skating with our arms linked but stopped after almost mauling a Japanese girl.

We posed around a bit in front of stuff.

There was a giant statue of Sazae-san and her family, who're like the Japanese version of The Simpsons.

Later my hostel friends and I met up with some AKP people and we went and ate delicious Indian food :) Following that, we walked to the station and went to the Pokemon Center and did PURI KURA.

We finished up the night by trouping back to Shiroishi near the hostel and going to CARAOKE DRAMA. The place was so retro and dumpy and the mikes had WIRES attached to them, like the mikes they used to sing karaoke with in the Stone Age. It was fun though :) Probably the best day of snow festival so far~

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