Tuesday, February 2, 2010


When classes start...nothing interesting happens. I went to my first indoor track meet of the season on Saturday and WON THE 1000m RACE with a time I am too embarrassed to disclose... So basically it wasn't a very competitive meet. This weekend we have one here at Smith and it's gonna be pretty big and competitive-like.

O my gawd this is so depressing. All my classes are of the majorly, horrifyingly, catch-up-on-sleep boring type. The one (not-so-much-)redeeming class is Japanese, where I have to really concentrate and it's always interesting (in a scary wtf is going on way)...And so, it is also the class that most depresses me because after a year and a half of nihongo I am still horrible. Just plain まだまだ. Right now I'm following a j-drama, Hotaru no Hikari, in a totally non-nerdy way and I'm realizing that I understand next-to-nothing without subtitles.

Which brings me to...

Classic moment of the week: Last night I went to Japanese class oral check and when I enter the room, the tutor says to me "Nihon? (Japan?)" and I say "HAI! (YES!)" and then she starts speaking to me in this RIDICULOUS JAPANESE THAT I UNDERSTOOD NOTHING OF... And then I realized she was speaking Chinese and had said, "Ni hao" or whatever hello in Chinese is... Basically, ridiculous.

And the only slightly-funny thing that happened to me all week D:

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