Thursday, February 18, 2010

Rally Day!

Rally Day is a Smith tradition going back thousands of years since the first president was elected. It was set up to celebrate Mr. Washington and Lincoln and the groovy things they've done, personally, for our college. In fact, it's rumored that Carol Christ, our president, used to date George himself. Truth. So now, every third Wednesday in Feburary, the ladies of Smith College get a day off.

So, of course I got to sleep in... HAHAHA, as if:

...So, of course I had to drag myself, corpse-like, out of bed at the ungodly hour of 8:52 AM. I got to practice just as the clock struck nine and prepared for a grueling tempo run along a highway, dodging cars as they flew at me at the speed of light. Barely missing one as it spun out of control on the icy highway...

...But in reality it was a lot more boring that that, and we finished in time to make the beginning of 11 o'clock brunch. AKA THE BEST BRUNCH I EVER HAD. Smith college goes into a frenzy whenever they serve lockes for breakfast. And I, myself, ate about 5 pounds of smoked salmon-y goodness~

Next, I went to lifeguard at the pool for a whole 45 minutes (wtf) and then caught the bus with Uli and Raquel to Hampshire mall to see "Valentine's Day." I thought it was a cute movie even though Raquel thought it sucked and made "pfffffft" sounds through the whole movie. haha. We also ended up seeing "The Lightning Thief," or whatever, and I PERSONALLY ENJOYED IT.

When I finally got home I realized that I didn't touch the pile of homework I swore I'd get through that day, and saint-like, I prodigiously completed it all...

HAHAHA. Actually, I went to bed.

Other Happenings:

(1) Forgot to mention this but Tuesday night I was basically the star of Vogue. I participated in the Rally Day fashion show which showcased Smith Fashion through the ages. I was all the rage in 60s style clothing and I LOOKED...ridiculous.

(2) Today I got to give a awesome presentation in class on assigned readings!!! Problem was that I didn't do the assigned readings... That was not cool. BUT I'M USUALLY A FAB STUDENT. This is the truth!

(3) Tomorrow I leave for Maine for Div IIIs at USM. It's an overnight meet and I wont get back until Saturday night.

(4) My AKP (Associated Kyoto Program) Interview is Sunday. That's the study abroad program I'm applying to for next year. I'm a teensy bit nervous but also excited because it's the last step in the application process >:D

(5) My Mommy's coming Sunday! AND SHE'S TAKING ME OUT FOR FREE FOOD (on her!) Which probably means that she says she's coming but then will call me on Sunday and say she just wants to head straight back home and not stop in Northampton :P


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