Sunday, February 7, 2010

Smith Invitational and other stuff

So I'm finally over the trauma brought on by watching "Paranormal Activity." Honestly I really didn't want to watch the movie in the first place but I must be bad with peer pressure because I ended up watching it and as a result I couldn't sleep very well. But now that its been a whole week, I'm pretty much convinced that nothing's gonna drag me out of bed and down the hall in the middle of the night..probably.. :(

Further happenings:

This past week has been pretty lax. Half my classes (or more) I've decided are a joke. This is the first semester where I don't HAVE to do homework every minute of the day and it's a nice break, I guess. I mean, I'm still doing homework during ever free moment but it's a relief when you know you don't HAVE to do it right then. In other words, Smith College sucks.

I applied to work reunion, which goes for two or so weeks after exams end. I hear you can haul in some serious cash if you work it so I'm hoping to save up some for next year. In order to be accepted for the job, you have to apply and write a short essay. My essay is the best because it's full of the most crap and sucking up I could shove onto one page. AKA my specialty :)

Yesterday was the Smith College Tartan Invitational here at school. I ran in the mile and 1000m and had some seriously horrible times. Pulling off a miracle, I was able to qualify for Div IIIs in the mile and so I'll be racing it again in two weeks. My parents came to watch and took me out for dinner and desert yesterday and breakfast this morning. I love when my parents come visit me because they will pay for eveeerrrryytttthiiinggg. I even got my laundry done for free!

Now I have to say something interesting, but the problem is that nothing interesting ever happens to me, really. <--like that. dahahaha I love this drama (in a non-nerdy way)

1 comment:

  1. HI THIS IS YO' BFF. <33333 I love and miss you tons and tons. I wish your life was an azn drama too. ALSO I had an enchanting conversation with J-Duh yesterday involving Six Flags. remind me to show you!
