Friday, June 4, 2010


I'm getting tanner and tanner. By the time I'm done here I'm gonna riddled with melanoma. Today was another day spent entirely outdoors.

We worked on Key's experiment. I'll tell you right now that it didn't turn out very well. He's looking at what kinds of fish are most likely to be caught at different depths using different types of hooks and bait. He's testing this on the Tallapoosa River so this morning we picked up the boat and another guy named Matt and then headed out. Because Alan wanted Patricia and me to see real ghetto Alabama, he told Michael to stop at this sketchy gas station where lots of meth drug deals go down. I don't know about that, but I'm pretty sure the gas stations been updated since Alan saw it last. When we got there it didn't look any different from a regular gas station and since I really had to go, I used the bathroom. Surprisingly, it was the nicest gas station bathroom I've ever been in. I know that isn't saying much but I was really disappointed in the non-sketchiness of the station. I think meth's pretty big around here so probably someday I'll get to see a real drug deal or maybe even a drug bust..

When we finally got to the river, the first issue we faced was that the boat wouldn't start. Matt and Michael tried to figure that out while I did nothing, really. Eventually things worked out and we put out 45 juglines in a small cove. I learned how to bait minnows and bluegills and it was kind of nasty because you bait minnows through the eye socket. While doing this I definitely accidentally popped out a few minnow eyeballs. To make things better, halfway through this delightful experience it began to rain. haha.

After throwing out all the lines, the guys fished a bit and we ate lunch. It was ridiculously hot so we went swimming. The rivers here are so weird because you can't see into them: They're totally brown. That kind of freaked me out at first because you can't even see three inches down, but I quickly got over it after noon hit and the sun hit us like a flamethrower.

When we went to pull the juglines back in, the boat motor acted up again and Mike couldn't get it to start. So basically, along with the liquid gas and pvc primer/ glue fumes, I can also add boat motor fumes to my increasing list of "deadly toxins I have inhaled this week."

At the end of the afternoon, we collected our lines. Guess how many fish were caught with 45 juglines? ONE. .... hahha. It was a catfish and it was my first time seeing one up close. Let me tell you, they're really ugly. They're not something that I would look at and think "wow that looks tasty." I mean, GROSS (!!):

1 comment:

  1. One catfish with 45 juglines? You need to send him to my website and let him learn some lessons!
