Saturday, June 5, 2010


Today was a little different. I've never worked a whole Saturday before but I am used to getting up on Saturdays for meets and stuff. The first frustrating thing of the day was that there was no breakfast until 11am and I had to be at the lab at 10am. I ended up eating some chocolate and a quaker breakfast bar lawlz.

At the lab, Patricia and I talked with Alan about the week, about how yesterday went, and about our individual projects. Then, Patricia showed me what shes been up to recently in the lab. Turns out that she has been practicing gluing Daphnia to paperclips and recording some things about their behavior. Her experiment deals with the way Daphnia deal with different quality of food, or something. I think that sounds pretty cool and it'd be neat to apply some of the stuff I learned in behavior genetics to it, probably.

Next, Michael and I planned out some of our experiment including assigning some treatments to the trash bins and putting together a list of what we have to bring to the experiment site. Hopefully things will go smoothly on Tuesday (when we're setting up our experiment) and things wont go like they did yesterday.

In fact, after a lunch of breakfast bar and fruit snacks, I went out to a pond on campus with Alan and Michael to try to fix the boat. Alan taught me some things about how a boat works and he had me clean out some spark plugs and put them back in the boat. I didn't really know what was going on but I went along with it. Next, Michael, Alan and I went out in the boat and threw out some juglines. I still think it's pretty gross to put a hook through a fish's eye socket.

Finally, tonight Patricia, Michael and I went out into town with Alan and his wife, kids and dog. We went to Moe's southwest grill. I guess it's a chain, but I've never heard of it. It wasn't bad. Now Patricia and I are just chilling in the TV room. I Am Legend is on and Will Smith is hawt.

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