Saturday, June 19, 2010

Radical Week

WOW. I haven't updated in a week. There goes my good record-keeping streak. The reason why I haven't been up to updating is because this past week has been the most torturous since school ended. I had to get up before six for three days straight and that meant less than 8 hours of sleep..UNBEARABLE.

The highlight of the week occurred during our Wednesday morning trek to Lake Martin. EPIC STORY: when we were leaving, Michael sent Key to go lock up the fence.. and so he definitely locked himself INSIDE IT. omg my life is average. He ended up having to climb over the fence because Micheal refused to call maintenance and explain to them how Key got locked inside..

Thursday I made the mistake of agreeing to get up early. This time, we went to go spread lime (a buffer, not the fruit, sadly..) in the ponds. I guess lime is really bad for you to inhale and can burn your nostrils and may give you a nasty rash if it comes in contact with skin. Luckily I experienced none of these things.. yet.. but lime can definitely be added to the list of harmful chemicals I've inhaled during this experience. And then, I keep wondering why I'm suddenly so bad at math ..

Anyway, to spread lime, we had to pick up these 50lb bags, dump the crap in buckets and then spread it around the bottom of nasty drained ponds. Eventually everybody had to take their shoes off because we were calf deep in mud. This ended when the safety dude discovered us and yelled at us for #1) not wearing shoes #2) not wearing protective clothing (but it was sooooo hottt), and #3) spreading lime.. .... ?

Fun things I did this past week include Auburn Family Fun Day on Wednesday. We hit up the free corn dogs, bingo and free stuff booth. The best thing about it was that there was a kissing booth right next to the germ tent. All in all it was a true southern experience.. probably (??).

Friday night was the "Art Walk" downtown and there was this "Muse" scheduled to play. All last week Alan was like, maybe its THE Muse, the EUROPEAN Muse, and I was like, "probably not...they're definitely touring Europe right now..

I went on to explain that it would probably be some old guys who play the banjo.." Alan persisted, saying there was a small chance it could be the real Muse. AND IT DEFINITELY WAS...old guys playing the banjo..

Today at breakfast this dude named Samir who lives in the Cambridge asked me if Patricia and I wanted to go to lunch with him and some friends. I agreed to go and later in the day I went with him and some Chinese girls to a Chinese buffet. I haven't eaten so much in centuries. While we were there, Samir told me he'd introduce me to some of his Japanese friends who live in our dorm. MAYBE ILL MAKE TOMODACHI.

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