Monday, June 14, 2010

Lots of Asian Things

I'm bored. Officially :(

BUT, recently I've been watching the cartoon "Avatar: The Last Airbender" and it is SO INCREDIBLY GOOD. Comic done by 'rufftoon' at

Dahahaha. Zuko is definitely one of my favorites.

Also, this past weekend, I went and saw "Karate Kid" with Patricia. It didn't live up to my expectations even though it starred Jackie Chan (My Lover and Hero).

All in all, the original Karate Kid is much better. I'm a little sad to say this because it feels like I'm letting down my man Jackie :(

Today. O God. I went into the lab at 9am and labeled and packed materials for our trip out to Lake Martin tomorrow. Once I finished and Alan realized that I had nothing else to do, he had me come with him, Lauren, Key and Michael to the ponds to do things. It was around 10 or 11am or so and already the sun was as fierce as Scorpius in a pride march. I went around with Lauren and had to mix oooey-gooey green fertilizer liquid with stinky pond water and then dump the whole thing around a bunch of ponds. It didn't take too long but some of the crap splashed back in my face which probably wasn't too healthy.. ....

Later in the day, Alan came with us to lunch at The Cambridge, my dorm, and of course he had to make me feel awkward as soon as we got there. He knows I'm studying abroad next year and so when we walk in he spots this Asian girl and he says, "Hey are you one of the Japanese people that live in the dorm," and she gives him a 'wtf' face and says "Yes I'm from Japan." And I'm all like *face palm*

Alan proceeds to introduce me to this girl and then forces us to exchange email addresses. O God. Then when I'm standing in line for lunch one of the Japanese boys that I budged in line for the salad bar randomly asks me if I was at the soccer field the other day. I was like, "uh. no." and he was like "fjasdklfjadsssomething in unintelligble englishalsdfjaf." And I awkwardly asked him if he was on the soccer team and then left. It was a really weird lunch. Now I feel like I should seclude myself in my dorm room and eat banana chips and trail mix all day while watching youtube videos out of embarrassment, or something..

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